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All rights reserved © Adrian Câmpan :
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The sky is the daily bread of the eyes.

A flower is an educated weed.

A bad workman always blames his tools

A grateful dog is worth more than an ungrateful man...

A ship passes the shore remain.

Any simplicity is complexity resolved.

As long as I live, I'll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing.

Any landscape is a state of the soul.

Do not despise the small things, a candle can do what ever can not make the sun never: to illuminate the darkness

Beauty exists only one who is concerned.

Every river is clear the springs.

Every sneeze of spring comes a new flower

Dandelion fluff that always comes and goes with the first wind thread...

Fire always reinforces what can not destroy..

Goodbye, see you at the station

For there to be a blooming tree, you must first be a tree

I prefer to live in the clouds, the earth is too crowded.

How grand can sometimes fall!

It disturbs only streams. The sea is ever transparent.

Nature is soul art.

Nature hides God but not everyone

People are lonely because build walls instead of bridges

Spring is for the soul a smile of infinite

Nature never does anything without a reason.

There are deserted. There is only our inability to fill the void in which we live.

Water is flowing emotion.

The American Dream

The charm can be explained. But only by demolition

When spiders weave their cloth rope, elephants panic.